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Abbey Quest is a format for Role Playing Games (RPGs) that relies much more on set attributes and die rolling, very similar to the styles of games like Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder. This is in contrast to the normal format where people simply write up whatever they wish to happen.

With this format there are several key differences:

  • For character sheets players will also need to decide and roll dice to decide their character's statistics such as Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom. These stats will be explained in greater detail below under the Attributes section and in the Character Creation Guide.
  • Instead of having every player putting a small part into making a larger story and the RPG creator only able to shape the game in small ways. In Abbey Craft the creator will play as the Game Master(GM) and be responsible for planning out the story, deciding enemy character's stats(Or using pre-made enemies), deciding the difficulty checks for skill usage, playing as every Non Player Character in the RPG, and creating the dungeons.
  • There will instead be turns for every player. (As opposed to first come first serve rule) Turns will begin with everyone rolling a d20(A 20 sided die) and then making their action in turn from who rolled highest to who rolled lowest. Because of this it may be necessary for players and the GM to plan out a specific day where they will all be on to play it. However, this will result in more frequent commenting and allow RPGs to progress more quickly.
  • Players and DMs will have to either use online die rollers with options for 20, 12, 8, 6, and 4 sided die, or will have to go out and buy their own (This would normally cost around $11.99 but free for online versions)
  • Character limits will be small since large groups are extremely hard to manage. The normal size is around 4 players, though groups of 2 or 3 can work fine as well, and groups of 5-7 work well but may be harder to work with. With this DMs will have to decide who can be a part of the RP and who cannot be in it to keep things at a manageable level. OR they can choose to select a second DM to help them manage a large group.
  • Adventures MUST be planned in advance and ready to be played for at least an hour or two per session. However this does not mean writing every interaction out, a lot of Abbey Quest will be improve like you are used to. But on the other hand there should never be a moment where the DM has to say "Uh.... I have no idea what happens next."
  • Characters will have pre-defined classes with set skill preferences, abilities, spells, reflexes, and roles. These will be explained in greater detail during the Character Creation Guide and the Class section below.

How It Is Played[]

The first thing you must do in order to play Abbey Quest is create a character. This is done with the use of a character sheet which you can find HERE! You can either write all of this down on your user page or in a comment, or write it all down on a piece of paper. It is suggested that you keep it somewhere where you can edit it as you level up. You may also want to keep a written copy of it so you can keep track of your Health Points and Spells/Abilities more easily.


See the Attributes page for more Information.

Attributes are the deciding factor in how strong your character will be and what role they will play in the game. There are 6 main Attributes:

  • Strength
  • Dexterity
  • Constitution
  • Intelligence
  • Wisdom
  • Charisma


See the Species Page for more information

Your species will be what animal your character plays as. With Redwall there are a wide range of species to choose from and are split into the Woodlander and Vermin categories. Each comes with a set of traits that define how they are played and what they may be good for.


See the Classes Page

There are 4 Class Archetypes under which fall the more specific classes. These 4 Archetypes are:

  • Aggressive- Champions, Rangers, Paladins, Fighters, etc. The most combat focused class that holds strong at the front lines.
  • Mystical- Clerics, Alchemists, Seers, etc. Redwall's version of mages and sorcerers. They mainly focus on doing simple spells and creating potions.
  • Social- Bards, Leaders, Diplomats, etc. Very Charisma heavy classes who focus more of giving buffs to their teammates.
  • Stealth- Rogues, Assassins, Thieves, etc. The more silent and shadowy classes that rely much more on not being seen in the first place.

Alignment, Background, and Name[]

These three thing will make up how your character acts, what they remember, and what people call them. Name: This can be literally anything you want it to be so long as it does not include swears. So feel free to be creative with it

Background: This is your character's history and story. It is completely optional but can add a bit of personality to your character and may help the GM work out a story relating to it.


Alignment is your character's morality and your character's behavior. Each part has three choices, you may select one of each to define your character:

Morality Choices:

  1. Good: This is exactly what it sounds like. With this morality you feel the need to help people and perform good deeds for the creatures of Mossflower. If your character is a Vermin you may not choose this option
  2. Grey/Gray: This is a sort of middle ground between good and evil. You do not feel the need to go out of your way to harm or help anyone consistently. As such you may wander between the two sides as you wish so long as you do not go to extremes with them.
  3. Evil: Once again it is exactly what it sounds like. You feel the need to harm others and care more to progress your own goals more than all else, especially if it means harming creatures along the way. If you are a Player Character you may NOT choose this option as it is reserved for enemy characters and villains only. But if you like to be your own beast and not care for others simply read on to the Behavior section.

Behavior Choices:

  1. Lawful: You are an honorable and reliable creature. You tend to follow the laws of the world and can be very trustworthy with most things.
  2. Neutral: You do not really have any bias for following laws or going against them either. This is the Behavior counterpart to a Grey/Gray character. For the most part you do what you want to do but act with neither defiance nor compliance, if something comes about then you tend to be fine with how it happens.
  3. Chaotic: You are by all definitions a free spirit and do not care if a few heads get cracked if it means you get what you need. You do not feel any sort of restrictions against what you can and cannot do and by society's standards you usually seem to choose what you normally cannot do.


To Be Filled Out Later

Game Mastering[]

To Be Filled Out Later
